Full Moon Empowerment For The Lost & Disconnected

In this empowerment video, I have journaled, meditated, prayed, and channeled a message that I received years ago to provide you with this full moon message. This message is for those spiritual beings that are feeling disconnected, lost, and are seeking to renew and start fresh but find identity and meaning within their lives right now.

Three Keys That Will Help With Your Soul's Development

Hey Light Lovers! I hope you enjoy this video. I had a revelation in the shower, as most of us have during those times, and I decided to share this insight with you.

Here are 3 keys that will help with spiritual development.

1. Get Lost In Yourself

2. Discover & Explore The Art Of Play

3. Develop A Worship & Meditation Routine

Three Tips To Help Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Fear.

Happy Easter! Happy Passover! and Happy Ascension! Light Lovers and Enlightened Ones!! Here are 3 of my spiritual tips to help you reduce stress, anxiety, and fear in your life, especially after this third lunar eclipse/blood moon that recently passed and left some of us with some loopy and crazy dreams, chaotic situations, and overall frazzled.